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In the Heart of the Beautiful Upper Connecticut River Valley of Vermont
¼ Mile from I-91 at Exit 14 ~ On the Vermont/New Hampshire border.
Twenty minutes to Dartmouth College & Dartmouth Medical Center.
From Boston: Take I-93 north to I-89 north, then I-89 north to White River Jct., VT. Then I-91 north to exit 14.
From NY City: Take I-95 north to I-91 north to exit 14 in VT.
From Albany: Take I-89 north to Glens Falls to Rte 4 east to I-91. Go north on I-91 to exit 14.
From Burlington: Take I-89 south to White River Jct. Take I-91 north to exit 14.
At exit from I-91
At Exit 14: Turn east for 200 feet, then next left (across from commuter parking lot) for ¼ mile into the campground.
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